Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Knitting 101 + Dog!

What will they think of next??  

Guess I need to get this for Dana...she swore that she swept up a whole dog after I stayed with her last week!  Come to think of it, maybe I should get two books and give one to Lynn...!  Between Me, Molly and Penny she could be knitting like crazy!! :)

How does this work exactly?  
For that matter...the book says: Stop vacuuming and Start Knitting!  How do they get yarn out of sheep hair?...it's all matted up and curly...do they wash the sheep before they get started?  I saw a cartoon where when you pulled the snag on the sheep you could just keep pulling and it would all come off!!  (it was funny to see a sheep with no fur! :)...)

I don't know, but wouldn't it be easier to stuff a pillow with all that hair?

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